Do Veins Grow Back After Removal?

Do veins grow back after removal?

If you’re asking, “do veins grow back after removal,” you’re probably concerned about your upcoming vein treatment. If you’re undergoing a procedure to remove unhealthy leg veins, you’re probably suffering from chronic venous insufficiency, a dangerous circulatory disorder. Chronic venous insufficiency is a medical condition that causes blood to flow backward and accumulate in the leg veins, eventually leading to spider veins and varicose veins.

The only way to treat chronic venous insufficiency is to remove or destroy the diseased saphenous vein responsible for your vein problems. Destroying the unhealthy vein is completely safe. The accumulated blood simply reroutes into healthier leg veins, restoring optimal blood circulation to the heart. When you remove the vein, you address the root cause of spider veins and varicose veins, thus ensuring long-lasting results.

When the diseased saphenous vein is removed, it can’t grow back again. The accumulated blood simply reroutes into healthier leg veins. However, if you experience a recurrence of varicose veins after a procedure, that might be because the vein doctor has only removed the superficial varicose veins without addressing the root cause. If the vein doctor doesn’t address the underlying vein disease, your varicose veins may return.

In this article, we discuss the common reasons for vein disease recurrence and why you should avoid vein stripping and other surgical procedures.

3 common reasons for vein disease recurrence

Chronic venous insufficiency is a medical condition wherein the collapse of vein valves leads to the accumulation of blood in leg veins, leading to the formation of unhealthy spider veins and varicose veins on the skin’s surface. When you undergo vein treatment, most vein doctors remove or treat the spider veins and varicose veins, but only a few vein doctors diagnose and treat underlying vein disease. Without proper vein treatments, there’s a strong chance that varicose veins and spider veins might return. Below, we highlight the top 3 reasons for vein disease recurrence.

Do veins grow back after removal? What are your vein treatment options? We discuss the importance of minimally invasive spider vein and varicose vein treatments in New York.

No Duplex Ultrasound

Duplex ultrasound is one of the safest and most advanced techniques for vascular imaging. The vein doctor uses an ultrasound device to visualize the direction of blood flow in your leg veins. If your blood flows backward or there’s excess blood accumulation in the leg veins, the vein doctor can diagnose vein disease. The vein doctor must also use vascular imaging to ensure optimal and precise results. If the vein doctor doesn’t use duplex ultrasound, that’s a huge red flag. Without vascular imaging, the vein doctor might not treat the underlying vein disease, leading to a high risk of recurrence.

Incorrect Vein Treatment

You have a high risk of vein disease recurrence if you undergo incorrect vein treatment. Vein conditions can be treated using numerous techniques, such as radiofrequency ablation, venaseal, clarivein, ambulatory phlebectomy, foam sclerotherapy, and liquid sclerotherapy. Different treatments are suitable for different types of veins. ClariVein is excellent for large, tortuous varicose veins, whereas sclerotherapy is only suitable for spider veins and small varicose veins. Some vein treatments address the root cause, whereas others address the superficial symptoms. If your vein doctor doesn’t personalize the vein treatment plan to address your needs, you have a high risk of vein disease recurrence.

Inexperienced Vein Doctor

The field of vein care is open to physicians from all fields of healthcare, including hospitalists, anesthesiologists, dermatologists, and cardiologists. To become a vein doctor, a physician must pass a series of written tests and examinations. Because of the low bar to entry into vein care, the market is full of inexperienced vein doctors who only address the superficial symptoms of your vein problems — not the root cause. If you seek treatment from an inexperienced vein doctor without sufficient training, you have a high risk of vein disease recurrence. You must find board-certified, fellowship-trained vein doctors specializing in the latest and safest minimally invasive vein treatments.


Experiencing symptoms of vein disease? Book an appointment with one of the our Vein Specialists in New York.

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5 Reasons to avoid vein stripping

Veins can be treated using numerous methods and techniques. In the past, vein disease could only be treated using complex surgical procedures, such as vein stripping and vein ligation. These procedures involved multiple excisions and considerable downtime. Modern minimally invasive vein treatments are safe, in-office procedures that conclude within an hour with no downtime, allowing you to resume your daily activities immediately. You must avoid vein stripping and other complex surgical procedures.

Below, we highlight 5 essential reasons to avoid vein stripping and vascular surgery:

  • Complexity: Vein stripping and other surgical procedures involve multiple excisions, general anesthesia, and hospitalization. Meanwhile, minimally invasive procedures are in-office, outpatient procedures that only involve a few small incisions under local anesthesia.
  • Risks: Vein stripping involves large incisions, so the risk of complications, such as infections and deep vein thrombosis, is fairly high. Meanwhile, minimally invasive procedures have a negligible risk of long-term complications and side effects.
  • Success: Vein stripping has a fairly low success rate of around 85%, whereas minimally invasive procedures have a nearly perfect success rate.
  • Convenience: Vein stripping involves hospitalization and weeks of downtime, but minimally invasive vein treatments are outpatient procedures with no downtime.
  • Recurrence: Studies have shown that minimally invasive vein treatments have a lower risk of vein disease recurrence than traditional vascular surgeries.

Contact the best vein doctors for minimally invasive varicose vein treatments

If you have spider veins and varicose veins, you must contact the best vein doctors to explore your minimally invasive vein treatment options. Our vein doctors in New York City specialize in cutting-edge endovascular procedures, and they have unanimous 5-star ratings from their patients. If you’re in Manhattan or the surrounding regions, please schedule an appointment today.




Veins Specialist NYC

He leads the team of vein doctors offering the highest level of care at our Spider and Varicose Vein Treatment Center NYC.



Veins Specialists NYC

Highly sought after for his expertise and excellent outcomes in Vein Treatments in Manhattan.



Veins Specialists NYC

She has extensive experience with vein performing procedures based on New York City.


Dr. Caroline Novak

Veins Specialists NYC

She is an Internal Medicine and Vein Disease specialist with experience in minimally invasive treatments at our Long Island clinic.


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