What Kind of Doctor Specializes in Veins? And Other FAQs

What kind of doctor specializes in veins?

The official medical terminology for a vein doctor specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of vein problems is a phlebologist. A phlebologist is a medical doctor specializing in phlebology, the branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of vascular problems, such as spider veins, varicose veins, leg heaviness, restless leg syndrome, deep vein thrombosis, and chronic venous insufficiency.

The field of vein care is pretty easy to enter. A physician can become a vein doctor after passing a few simple written tests and examinations. Because of the low bar of entry into vein care, the market is full of vein doctors who only provide cosmetic treatments for vein problems, even though spider veins and varicose veins are usually symptomatic of underlying chronic venous insufficiency.

If you want accurate, precise, and long-lasting results without vein disease recurrence, you must contact a vein doctor with specialized training in vascular imaging and the latest minimally invasive vein treatments. Our centers for vein treatment are led by highly-skilled, nationally-renowned, and board-certified vein doctors with perfect track records.

If you have the signs or symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency, please schedule an appointment with our vein doctors today.

Can compression stockings treat vein problems?

Compression stockings are skin-tight garments that apply pressure on your leg veins to push the accumulated blood towards the heart. They must be designed and measured according to your specific definitions and measurements. When worn properly, compression stockings push some of the accumulated blood from your leg veins to your heart, preventing more blood from accumulating in the leg veins. As such, compression stockings can minimize the risk of vein disease or prevent the condition from worsening.

However, compression stockings can’t treat existing vein problems. Most vein problems occur because of chronic venous insufficiency, a dangerous circulatory disorder wherein damaged vein valves cause blood to flow backward and accumulate in the leg veins. The continued accumulation of blood in leg veins is responsible for vascular dilation and the eventual formation of spider veins and varicose veins. Compression stockings can prevent more blood from accumulating in the leg veins, but they can’t fix the actual problem, so they can’t treat vein disease or varicose veins.

What kind of doctor specializes in veins? Can compression stockings treat vein problems? How can I prevent spider veins and varicose veins? We answer your questions about vein treatments in New York City.

How can I prevent spider veins and varicose veins?

There are no fixed and definitive measures to prevent spider veins and varicose veins. You may develop spider veins and varicose veins for numerous reasons. Some of the most common risk factors for vein disease are genetic predisposition, aging, biological sex, hormonal factors, weight changes, obesity, pregnancy, and occupation that involves extended periods of sitting or standing still. If your parents have a history of vein problems, you have a 90% chance of suffering from vein problems at some point. And if you’re pregnant, there’s a high risk of vein problems because of the increased pressure on the vein valves.

You can’t address all the potential risk factors for vein disease. There are no definitive means of preventing spider veins and varicose veins. However, if you identify with any of the aforementioned risk factors for vein problems, you can implement some lifestyle changes to minimize the risk of vein disease. You can reduce the risk of vein disease by making lifestyle changes that promote optimal blood circulation and strengthen your vein valves. The goal is to ensure more blood flows directly towards the heart and prevent blood from pooling in the leg veins.

The following are some lifestyle changes you can make to minimize the risk of spider veins and varicose veins.

Compression Stockings

Wear compression stockings for several hours a day every day. Compression stockings apply pressure on your leg veins to prevent the accumulation of blood, thus minimizing the risk of spider veins and varicose veins. If you have existing vein problems, compression stockings can alleviate the leg pain and discomfort. However, please contact reliable vein doctors and centers for vein treatment in New York to find compression stockings that fit you correctly.

Exercise/ Activities

You must engage in cardiovascular exercises that activate your calf muscles. Cardiovascular exercises promote optimal blood circulation and improve blood flow, and if you activate the calf muscles, you can also push some of the accumulated blood from your leg veins to your heart. As such, exercises like running, swimming, cycling, and yoga can reduce the risk of vein disease.


Experiencing symptoms of vein disease? Book an appointment with one of the our Vein Specialists in New York.

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Postural Changes

You can also make some small postural changes to improve blood circulation and minimize the risk of spider veins and varicose veins. The risk of vein disease increases when you spend long periods sitting or standing still. That’s why vein disease is more common amongst drivers, nurses, pilots, and those with desk jobs. If you have a desk job, please take short breaks to walk around and shake your legs. You can also elevate your legs while sitting down to move blood towards your heart.

What’s the root cause of vein problems?

Chronic venous insufficiency is the primary root cause of vein problems. Venous insufficiency is a medical condition wherein your vein valves collapse, and blood flows backward due to gravity, eventually accumulating in the leg veins. The continued accumulation of blood in leg veins leads to spider veins, varicose veins, and most other vein problems. If you have spider veins or varicose veins, the vein doctor must diagnose and treat underlying vein disease using minimally invasive procedures. Treating spider veins without addressing the root cause is a wasted effort — the spider veins will simply return later.




Veins Specialist NYC

He leads the team of vein doctors offering the highest level of care at our Spider and Varicose Vein Treatment Center NYC.



Veins Specialists NYC

Highly sought after for his expertise and excellent outcomes in Vein Treatments in Manhattan.



Veins Specialists NYC

She has extensive experience with vein performing procedures based on New York City.


Dr. Caroline Novak

Veins Specialists NYC

She is an Internal Medicine and Vein Disease specialist with experience in minimally invasive treatments at our Long Island clinic.


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